Islamabad, Saturday, December 6, 1997

Part 1

Acts, ordinances, president’s Orders and Regulations

Islamabad the 6th December, 1997

No. of. 9 (46)/97-Legis. The following acts of Majlis-e-Shoora (parliament) received the assent of the Acting president on the 3rd December, 1997, are hereby published for general information.


Act No. XXXIV of 1997


          An act to provide for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment, for the prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable development.

          Whereas, it expedient to provide for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment, prevention and control of pollution, promotion of sustainable development, and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto;

It is hereby enacted as follows:

1.                 Short title, extent and commencement.

2.                 This Act may be called the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act,  1997.

3.                 It extends to the whole of Pakistan.

4.                 It shall come into force at once.

2.          Definitions. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,

i.          “adverse environmental effect” means impairment of, or damage to, the environment and includes.

a.                 Impairment of, or damage to, human health and safety or to biodiversity or property;

b.                Pollution; and

c.                 Any adverse environmental effect as may be specified in the regulations;

ii.                 “agricultural waste” means waste from farm and agricultural activities including poultry, cattle farming, animal husbandry, residues from the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other farm chemicals.

iii.              “Air Pollution” means any substance that causes pollution of air and includes soot, smoke, dust particles, odor, light, electro-magnetic, radiation, heat, fumes, combustion exhaust, exhaust gases, noxious gases, hazardous substances and radioactive substances;

iv.                “biodiversity” or “biological diversity” means the variability among living organisms from all sources, including in it all terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes or which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems,

v.                  “Council” means the Pakistan environmental Protection Council established under section 3;.

vi.                “discharge” means spilling, leaking, pumping, depositing, seeping, releasing, flowing out pouring,

vii.             “ecosystem” means a dynamic complex of plant animal and micro-organism  communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit;

viii.           “effluent” means any material in solid, liquid or gaseous form or combination thereof being discharged from industrial activity o any other source and includes a slurry, suspension or vapour;

ix.               “emission standards” means the permissible standards established by the Federal Agency or a Provincial Agency for emission of air pollutants and noise and for discharge of effluents and waste;

x.                 “environment” means

a.                 air, water and land;

b.                all layers of the atmosphere;

c.                 all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms,

d.                the ecosystem and ecological relationships

e.                 buildings, structures, roads, facilities and works;

f.                   all social and economic conditions affecting community life; and

g.                 the inter-relationships between any of the factors in sub-clauses (a) to (f)’

xi.               “environmental impact assessment” means an environmental study comprising collection of data, prediction of qualitative and quantitative impacts, comparison of alternatives, evaluation of preventive, mitigatory and compensatory measures, formulation of environmental management and training plans and monitoring arrangement, and framing of recommendations and such other components as may be prescribed;

xii.            “Environmental Magistrate” means the Magistrate of the First Class appointed under sections 24.

xiii.          “Environmental Tribunal” means the Environmental Tribunal constituted under section 20;

xiv.           “Exclusive Economic Zone” shall have the same meaning as defined in the Territorial Waters and Maritime zones Act, 1976 (LXXXII of 1976).

xv.              “Factory” means any premises in which industrial activity is being undertaken;

xvi.           “Federal Agency” means the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency established under section 5, or any government Agency, local council or local authority exercising the powers and functions of the Federal Agency;

xvii.         “Government Agency” includes-

a.                 A division, department, attached department bureau, section, commission, board, office or unit of the Federal Government or a Provincial government;    

b.                A developmental or a local authority, company or corporation established or controlled by the Federal government or Provincial government;

c.                 A provincial environmental Projection Agency; and

d.                Any other body defined and listed in the Rules of Business of the Federal Government or a Provincial Government.

xviii.          “hazardous substance” mean:

a.                 a substance or mixture of substances, other than a pesticide as defined in the Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance, 1971 (11 of 1971). Which, by reasons of its chemical activity or toxic , explosive, flammable, corrosive, radioactive or other characteristics causes, or is likely to cause, directly or in combination with other matters, an adverse environmental effect and.

b.                 Any substance which may be prescribed as a hazardous substance;

xix.          “hazardous waste” means waste which is or which contains a hazardous substance or which may be prescribed as hazardous waste, and includes hospitals waste and nuclear waste;

xx.             “historic waters” means such limits of the waters adjacent to the land territory of Pakistan as may be specified by notification under section 7 of the Territorial Waters and maritime Zones Act, 1976 (LXXXII of 1976);

xxi.          “hospital waste” includes waste medical supplies and materials of all kinds, and waste blood, issue, organs and other parts of the human and animal bodies, from hospitals, clinics and laboratories,

xxii.        “industrial activity” means any operation or process for manufacturing, making, formulating, synthesizing, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, packing or otherwise treating any article or substance with a view to its use, sale, transport, delivery or disposal, or for mining, for oil and gas exploration and development, or for pumping water or sewage, or for generating, transforming or transmitting power or for any other industrial or commercial purposes;

xxiii.     “Industrial waste” means waste resulting from an industrial activity;

xxiv.       “initial environmental examination” means a preliminary environmental review of the reasonable foreseeable qualitative and quantitative impacts on the environment of a proposed project to determine whether it is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect for requiring preparation of an environmental impact assessment,     

xxv.         “local authority” means any agency set-up or designated by the Federal government or a Provincial government  by notification in the official gazette to be a local authority for the purposes of this Act.

xxvi.       “local council” means a local council constituted or established under a law relating to local government;

xxvii.    “motor vehicle” means any mechanically propelled vehicle adapted for use upon land whether its power of propulsion is transmitted there to form an external or internal source, and includes a chassis to which a body has not been attached, and a trailer, but does not include a vehicle running upon fixed rails,

xxviii.  “municipal waste’ includes sewage, refuse, garbage, waste from abattors sludge and human excreta and the like.

xxix.      “National Environmental Quality standards” means standards established by the Federal Agency under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 6 and approved by the Council under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 4,.

xxx.        “noise” means the intensity, duration and character of sounds from all sources, and includes vibration,

xxxi.      “nuclear waste” means waste from any nuclear reactor or nuclear plant or other nuclear energy system, whether or not such was is radioactive.

xxxii.   “Person” means any natural person-or legal entity and includes an individual, firm, association, partnership, society, group, company, corporation, co-operative society, Government Agency, non-governmental organization, community-based organization, village organization, local council or local authority and, in the case of a vessels, the master or other person having for the time being the charge or control of the vessel.

xxxiii. “pollution” means the contamination of air, land or water by the discharge or emission of effluents or wastes or air pollutants or noise or other matter which either directly or indirectly or in combination with other discharges or substances alters unfavorably the chemical, physical, biological, radiational, thermal or radiological or aesthetic properties of the air, land or water or which may or is likely to make the air, land or water unclean, noxious or impure or injurious, disagreeable or detrimental to the health. Safety, welfare or property of persons or harmful to biodiversity.”

xxxiv.  “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act;

xxxv.     “project” means any activity, plan, scheme, proposal or undertaking involving any change in the environment and includes.

a.                 construction or use of buildings or other works;

b.                Construction or use of roads or other transport systems.

c.                 Construction or operation of factories or other installations,

d.                Mineral prospecting, mining, quarrying, stone-crushing, drilling and the like;

e.                 Any change of land use or water ruse; and

f.                   Alteration, expansion, repair, decommissioning or abandonment of existing buildings or other works, roads or other transport systems factories or other installations;

xxxvi.  “proponent” means the person who proposes or intends to undertake a project.

xxxvii.      “Provincial Agency” means a Provincial Environmental Protection Agency established under section 8;

xxxviii.   “regulations” means regulations made under this Act;

xxxix. “rules” means rules made under this Act;

xl.               “sewage” means liquid or semi-solid wastes and sludge from sanitary conveniences, kitchens, laundries, washing and similar activities and from any sewerage system or sewage disposal works;

xli.            “standards’ means qualitative and quantitative standards for discharge of effluents and wastes and for emission of air pollutants and noise either for general applicability or for a particular area, or from a particularly product, and includes the National Environmental Quality Standards, emission standards and other standards established under this Act and the rules and regulation made there under;

xlii.          “sustainable development” means development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs;

xliii.       “territorial waters” shall have the same meaning as defied in the Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act, 1976 (LXXXII of 1976)’

xliv.         “vessel” includes anything made for the conveyance by water of human beings or of goods; and

xlv.           “Waste” means any substance or object which has been is being or is intended to be, discarded or disposed of, and includes liquid waste, solid waste, waste gases, suspended waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, nuclear waste, municipal waste, hospital waste, used polyethylene bags and residues from the incineration of all types of waste.

3.          Establishment of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council

          1.       The Federal Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, establish a Council to be known as the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council Consisting of -

          i.        Prime Minister or such other person as the Prime Chairperson Minister may nominate in this behalf.

          ii.       Minister Incharge of the Ministry of Division dealing with the subject of environment.          Vice Chairperson


          iii.      Chief Ministers of the Provinces.                          Members

iv.               Ministers Incharge of the subject of environment

                                                              Members    the Provinces.

          v.          Such other persons not exceeding thirty-five as the            Members.

                   Federal Government may appoint, of which at least twenty shall be non-official including five representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and industrial associations and one or more representatives of the Chamber of Agriculture, the medical and legal professions, trade unions, and non-governmental organizations concerned with the environment and development, and scientists, technical experts and educationists.


          vi.      Secretary to the Government of Pakistan, incharge of the Ministry of Division dealing with the subject of environment.

2.                 The Members of the Council, other than ex-officio members, shall be appointed in accordance with the prescribed procedure and shall hold office for a term of three years.

3.                 The Council shall frame its own rules of procedure.

4.                 The Council shall hold meetings as and when necessary, but not less than two meeting shall be held in a year.

5.                 The Council may constitute committees of its members and entrust them with such functions at it may deem fit, and the recommendations of the committees shall be submitted to the council for approval.

6.                 The Council or any of its committees may invite any technical expert or representative of any Government Agency or non-governmental organization or other person possessing specialized knowledge of any assistance in performance of its functions.

4.          Functions and power of the Council.- (1) the Council shall-

a.                 Co-ordinate and supervise enforcement of the provisions of this Act.

b.                Approve comprehensive national environmental policies and ensure their implementation within the frame work of a national conservation strategy as may be approved by the Federal Government from time to time.

c.                 Approve the National Environmental quality Standards.

d.                Provide guidelines for the protection and conservation of species, habitats and biodiversity in general, and for the conservation of renewable and non renewable resources;

e.                 Coordinate integration of the principles and concerns of sustainable development into national development plans and policies: and

f.                   Consider the National Environment Report and give appropriate directions thereon.


2.       The Council may, either itself or on the request of any person or organization, direct the Federal Agency or any government Agency to prepare, submit, promote or implement project for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of  the environment, the prevention and control of pollution, and the sustainable development of resources, or to undertake research in any specified aspect of environment.

5.          Establishment of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency:-

1.                 The Federal Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette establish the Pakistan environmental Projection Agency to exercise the powers and perform the functions assigned to it under the rules and regulations made there under.

2.                 The Federal Agency shall be headed by a Director General, who shall be appointed by the Federal Government on such terms and conditions as it may determine.

3.                 The Federal Agency shall have such administrative, technical and legal staff as the Federal Government may specify, to be appointed in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed.

4.                 The powers and functions of the Federal Agency shall be exercised and performed by the Director-General.

5.                 The Director-General may, be general or special order, delegate any of these powers and functions to staff appointed under sub-section (3).

6.                 For assisting the Federal Agency in the discharge of its functions, the Federal Government shall establish Advisory Committees for various sectors, and appoint as members therefore eminent representatives of the relevant sector, educational institutions, research institutes and non-governmental organizations.

6.          Functions of Federal Agency (1) The Federal Agency shall-

a.                 administer and implement the provisions of this Act and rules and regulations made thereunder;

b.                Prepare, in coordination with the appropriate Government Agency and in Consultation with the concerned sectoral advisory Committees, national environmental policies for approval by the Council;

c.                 Take all necessary measures for the implementation of the national environmental policies approved by the Council;

d.                Prepare and publish an annual National Environment Report on the state of the environment;

e.                 Prepare or revise, and establish the national Environmental Quality Standards with approval of the Council;

Provided that before seeking approval of the Council, the Federal Agency shall publish the proposed National Environmental Quality Standards for public opinion in accordance with the prescribed procedure; and 

f.                   Ensure enforcement of the National Environmental Quality Standards:

g.                 Establish standards for the quality of the ambient air, water and land by notification in the official Gazette, in consolation with the Provincial Agency concerned:

Provided that

I Different standards for discharge or emission from different source and for different areas and conditions may be specified;

II Where standards are less stringent then the National environmental quality standards prior approval of the Council shall be obtained;

III certain areas, with the approval of the council, may exclude form carrying out specific activities, projects from the application of such standards.

h       co-ordinate environmental policies and programs nationally and internationally.

i         establish system and procedures for surveys, surveillance, monitoring, measurement, examination, investigation, research, inspection and audit to prevent and control pollution, and to estimate the costs of cleaning up pollution and rehabilitating the environment in various sector,

 j        take measures to promote research and the development of science and technology which may contribute to the prevention of the environment, and sustainable development;

k        certify one or more laboratories as approved laboratories for conducting tests and analysis and one or research institutes as environmental research institutes for conducting research and investigation for the purposes of this Act;

l         identify the needs for, an initiate legislation in various sector of the environment; 

m       render advice and assistance in environment matters, including such information and data available with it is as may be required for carrying out the purpose of this Act;

          Provided that the disclosure of such information shall be subject to the restrictions contained in the provision to sub-section (3) of section 12;

n       assist the local councils, local authorities, Government Agencies and other persons to implement schemes for the proper disposal of wastes Society as to ensure compliance with the standards established by it;

o        provide information and guidance to the public on environmental matters;

p        recommend environmental courses, topics, literature and books for incorporation in the curricula an syllabi of education institutions; 

r        specify safeguards for the prevention of accidents and disasters which may cause pollution. Collaborate with the concerned person in the preparation contingency plans for control of such accidents and disasters, and co-ordinate implementation of such plans;  

s        encourage the formation and working of non-governmental organizations, community organizations village organization to prevent and control pollution and promote sustainable development:

t        take or cause to be taken all measures for the protraction conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment. Prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable development: and

u       perform any function which the council may assign to it,

(2)      The Federal Agency may

a        undertake inquiries or investigation into environmental issues, either of its own accord or upon complaint form any person or organization:

b        request any person to furnish any information or data relevant to its functions;

c        initiate with the approval of the federal Government, request for foreign assistance in support of the purposes of this act an enter into arrangements with foreign agencies or organization for the exchange of material or information and participate in international seminars or meetings;.

d        recommend to the Federal Government the adoption of financial and fiscal programs, schemes or measures for achieving environmental objectives ad goals and the purpose of this Act, including.  

(i) incentives prizes awards, subsidies, tax exemptions, rebates and deprecation allowances; and

(ii) taxes, duties, cusses and other levies,

e          establish and maintain laboratories to help in the performance o its functions under its functions under this Act and to conduct research in various aspects of the environment and provide or arrange necessary  assistance for establishment of similar laboratories in the private sector, and

f          Provide or arrange in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed, financial assistance for projects designed to facilities the discharge of its functions.

7.          Powers of the Federal Agency.  Subject the provisions of this Act, the Federal Agency may

a          Lease, purchase, acquire, own, hold, improve use or otherwise deal in and with any property both immovable,

b        Sell convey, mortgage pledge, exchange r otherwise dispose of its property and assets,

c        fix and realize fees, realize fees, rates, and charges for rendering ant service or providing any facility information or data under this act or the rules and regulations made there under;

d        enter into contracts, executor instruments, incur liabilities and do all acts or things necessary for proper management and conduct of it business.   

e          appoint with the approval of the Federal Government and in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed, such adviser, experts and consultants as it considers necessary for the efficient performance of its functions on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit;

f          summon and enforce the attendance of any person and require him to supply any information or document needed for the conduct of any inquiry or investigation into any environmental issue;

g        enter and inspect and under the authority of a search warrant issued by the Environmental Tribunal or Environmental Magistrate, search at any reasonable time, any land, building, premises, vehicle or vessel or other place where or in which, there are reasonable grounds to believe that an offence under this act has been or is being committed;            

h       take samples of any materials, products, articles or substances or of the effluents, wastes or air pollutants being discharged or emitted or of air, water or land in the vicinity of the discharge or emission;

i          arrange for test and analyses of the samples at a certified laboratory;

j          confiscate any article used in the commission of the offence where the offender is not known or cannot be found within a reasonable time:

                    Provided that the power under clauses (f), (h), (I), and (J) shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the code of Criminal procedure, 1898 (Act of V of 1898), or the rules made under this Act and under the direction of the Environmental Tribunal or Environmental Magistrate; and

K          establish a National Environmental Co-ordination Committee comprising the Director-general as it chairman and the Director Generals of the provincial Environment protection Agencies and such other persons as the Federal Government may appoint as its members to exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be delegated or assigned to it by the Federal Government for carrying out the purpose of this Act and for ensuring inter provincial co-ordination in environmental policies. 

8.          Establishment, powers and functions of the provincial Environmental protection Agencies. (1) every provincial shall, by

notification in the official Gazette, establish an Environmental protection Agency, to exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be delegated to it by the provincial Governmental under sub-section (2) of section 26.

2        The provincial Agency shall be headed by a Direction-General who shall be appointed by the provincial government no such terms and conditions as it may determine.

3                   The provincial Agency shall have such administrative, technical and legal staff as the provincial Government may specify, to be appointed in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed.

4                   The powers and functions of the provincial Agency shall be exercised and performed by the Director-General.

5                   The Director-General may, by general or special order, delegate any of these powers and functions of staff appointed under sub-section (3)

6                   For assistance of the provincial Agency in the discharge of its functions the provincial government shall establish sectoral Advisory committees for various sector and appoint members form amongst eminent representatives of the relevant sector, educational institutional, research institutes and non-government organization.

9          Establishment of the  provincial Sustainable Development Funds.

1.                There shall be established in each province a sustainable Development fund.

2.                The Provincial sustainable Development fund shall be derived from the following sources, namely:-

a.                 grants made or loans advanced by the Federal Government or the Provincial Government:-

b.                aid and assistance, grants, advance, grants, advances, donations and other non-obligatory funds received from foreign governments, national or international agencies, and non-governmental organizations, and

c.                 contributions from private organizations, and other persons.

3.       The Provincial sustainable development fund shall be utilized in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed for-

a.                 Providing financial assistance to the projects designed for the protection conservations, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment, the prevention, and control of pollution, the sustainable development of resources and for research in any specified aspect of environment; and.

b.                Any other purpose which in the opinion of the Board will help achieve environmental objectives and the purposes of this Act.

10.          Management of the Provincial Sustainable Development Fund.-       

          The Provincial Sustainable Development Fund Board Consisting of_



Chairman, Planning and development board/additional Chief Secretary Planning and Development Department.



Such officers of the Provincial Government may appoint, including Secretaries in charge of the Finance, Industries and environment Departments.



Such non-official persons-not exceeding ten as the Provincial Government may appoint including representatives of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry, non-government organization and major donors.



Director-General of the Provincial Agency




2.       In accordance with such procedure and such criteria as may be prescribed the Board shall have the power to_

a.                 sanction financial assistance for eligible projects;

b.                Invest moneys held in the provincial sustainable development fund in such profit-bearing Government bonds, savings schemes and schemes and securities as it may deem suitable; and securities as it may deem suitable; and

3        The board shall constitute committees of its members to undertake regular monitoring of projects financed from the provincial sustainable development fund and to submit progress to the board which shall publish an Annual Report incorporating its annual audited accounts and performance evaluation based on the progress reports.

11      Prohibition of certain discharges or emission. (1) subject to the provision of this act and the rules and regulations made hereunder no person shall discharge or emit or allow the discharge or emission of any effluent or waste or air pollutant or noise in an amount, concentration or, where applicable, the standards established under sub-clause (i) of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 6.

2.       The Federal Government levy a pollution charge on any person who contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of sub-section (1), to be calculated at such rate, and collected in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed.

3.       Any person who pays the pollution charge levied under sub-section (2) shall not be charged with an offence with respect to that contravention or failure.

4.       The provisions of sub-section (3) shall not apply to projects which commenced industrial activity on or after the thirtieth day of June, 1994.

12.    Initial environmental examination and environmental impact assessment.  

          1.       No proponent of a project shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency and initial environmental examination or, where the project is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment, and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.

2.       The Federal Agency shall.

a.       Review the initial environmental examination and accord its approval or require submission of an environmental impact assessment by the proponent; or

b.       review the environmental impact assessment and accord its approval subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to impose, or require that the environmental impact assessment be re-submitted after such modifications as may be stipulated, or reject the project as being contrary to environmental objectives.  

3.       Every review of an environmental impact assessment shall be carried out with public participation and no information will be disclosed during  the course of such public participation which relates to.

i.        trade, manufacturing or business activates, processes or techniques of a proprietary nature, or financial, commercial, scientific or technical matters which the proponent has requested should remain confidential unless for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Director General of the Federal Agency is of the opinion that the request for confidentiality  is not well-founded or the public interest in the disclosure outweighs the possible prejudice to the competitive position of the project or its proponents; or

ii.       international relations, national security or maintenance of law and order except with the consent of the Federal government, or

iii.      matter convered by legal professional privilege.

4.       The Federal Agency shall communicate its approval or otherwise within a period of four months from the date the initial environmental examination or environmental impact assessment is field complete in all respects in accordance with the prescribed procedure, failing which the initial environmental examination  or, as the case may be, the environmental impact assessment shall be deemed to have been approved to the extent to which it does not contravene the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations made there under. 

5.       Subject to sub-section (4) the Federal Government may in a particular case extend the aforementioned period of four months of the nature months if the nature of the project so warrants.

6.       The Provisions of sub-sections (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall apply to such categories of projects and in such manner as may be prescribed.

7.       the Federal Agency shall maintain separate Registers for initial environmental examination and environmental impact assessment projects, which shall contain brief particulars of each project and a summary of decisions taken thereon, and  the disclosure of information in such Registers hall be subject to the restrictions specified in sub-section (3).

13.    Prohibition of import of hazardous waste_ No person hall import hazardous waste into Pakistan and its territorial waters, Exclusive Economic zone and

14.    Handling of hazardous substances. Subject to the provisions of this act, no person shall generate, collect, consign, transport, treat, dispose of, store, handle or import any hazardous substance expect_

a.       Under a license issued by the Federal Agency and in such manner as many be prescribed; or

b.       in accordance with the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, or of any international treaty, convention, protocol, code, standard, agreement or other instrument to which Pakistan is a party.

15.    Regulation of motor vehicles. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations made thereunder, no person shall operate a motor vehicle from which air pollutants or noise are being emitted in an amount, concentration or level which is in excess of the National environmental Quality Standards or where applicable the standards established under clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section. 6.

2.       For ensuring compliance with the standards mentioned in sub-section (1), the  Federal Agency may direct that any motor vehicle  or class of vehicles shall install such pollution control devices or other equipment or use such fuels or undergo such maintenance or testing as may be prescribed.

3.       Where a direction  has been issued by the Federal Agency under sub-section (2) in respect of any motor vehicles or class of motor vehicles,  no person shall operate any such vehicle till such direction has been complied with.

16     Environmental Protection order. (1) where the Federal, Agency or a provincial Agency is satisfied that the discharge or emission of any effluent, waste, air pollutant or noise, or the disposal of waste, r the handling of hazardous substances, or no other act or omission is likely to occur, or is occurring or is occurring or has occurred in violation of the provisions of this Act, rules or regulations or of the conditions of a license, and is likely to cause, or is causing or has caused an adverse environmental effect, the Federal Agency or, as the case may be, the provincial Agency may, after giving the person responsible for such discharge emission, disposal, handing, act or omission an opportunity of being heard,  by order direct such person to take such measures that the Federal Agency or provincial Agency may consider necessary within such period as may be specified in the order.

2        in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such measures may include.

a        immediate stoppage, preventing lessening or controlling the discharge, emission, disposal, handing, at or omission, or to minimize or remedy the adverse environmental effect;

b        installation, replacement or alteration of any equipment or thing to eliminate or control or abate on a permanent to temporary basic, such discharge, emission, disposal, handing, act or omission;

c        action to remove or otherwise dispose of the effluent, waste, air pollutant, noise, or hazardous substances; and   

d        action to restore ht environmental to the condition existing prior to such discharge, disposal, handing, act or omission, or as close to such condition as may be reasonable in the circumstances, to the satisfaction of the Federal Agency or, provincial Agency.

3        where the person, to whom direction under sub-section (1) are given does not comply therewith, the Federal Agency or provincial Agency may, in addition to the proceeding initiated against him under this Act or the rules and regulations itself take or cause to be taken such measures specified in the order as it may deems necessary and may recover the costs of taking such measures form such-person as areas of land revenue.

17     Penalties. (1) whoever contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of sections 11, 12, 13, or section 16 or any order issued hereunder shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one million rupees, and in the case of a continuing contravention or failure, with an additional fine which may extend to one continues and where such contravention or failure continues:

Provided that if contravention of the provisions of section 11 also constitutes contravention of the provisions of section 15, such contravention shall be punishable under sub-section (2) only.

          2          Whoever contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of section 14 or 15 or any rule or regulation or conditions of any license, any order or direction issued by ht Council or by the Federal Agency or Provincial Agency shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees, and in case of continuing contravention, or failure with an additional fine which extend t one thousand rupees for every day during which such contravention continues. 

3.       where an accused ha been convicted of an offence under sub-section (1) and (2), the Environmental Tribunal and Environmental. Magistrate shall, in passing sentence, take into account the extend and duration of the contravention of failure constituting the offence, and the attendant circumstances. 

4.       Where an accused has been convicted of an offence under sub-section (1) and he Environmental Tribunal is satisfied that as a result of the commission of the order the offender to pay, in addition to the fines under sub-section (1), further additional fine commensurate with the amount of the monetary benefits. 


5.       Where a person convicted under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2); and had been previously convicted for any contravention under this Act, the Environmental Tribunal or, as the case may be, Environmental magistrate may, in addition to the punishment awarded there under.

a.          endorse a copy of the order of conviction to the concerned trade or industrial association, if any, or the concerned provincial chamber of commerce and industry or the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry;

b.          sentence him to imprisonment for a tem which may extend up to two years; 

c.       order the closure of the factory;

d.       order confiscation of the factory, machinery and equipment, vehicle, material or substance, record or document or other object used or involved in contravention of the provisions of the Act;  

          Provide that for a period of three years form the date of commencement of this Act, the sentence of imprisonment shall be passed only in respect of persons who have been previously convicted for more than once for any contravention of section 11, 13, 14, or 16 involving hazardous waste;

e.       order such person to restore the environment at his own cost, to the conditions existing prior to such contravention or as close to such conditions as may be reasonable in the circumstance to the satisfaction of the Federal Agency or, as the case may,  be provincial Agency; and

f.        order that such sum be paid to any person as compensation for any loss, bodily injury, damage to his health or property suffered by such contravention.

6.       The director-General of the Federal Agency or of a provincial Agency or an officer generally or specially authorized by him in this behalf may on the application of the accused an offence under this with the permission of the environmental Tribunal or environmental Magistrate in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed.

7.          Where the Director-General of the Federal Agency or of a provincial subject to the rules, by notice in writing to that contravened any provision of this Act, he may subject to the rules by notice in writing to that person require him to pay to the Federal Agency or, as the case may be, provincial Agency an administrative penalty in the amount se out in the notice for each day the contravention continues; and a person who pays an administrative penalty for a contravention shall not be charged under this Act with an offence in respect of such contravention.

8.       The provisions of sub-section (6) and (7) shall not apply to person who has been previously convicted of offence or who has compounded an offence under Act or who has paid an administrative penalty for a contravention of any provision of this Act.

18.          Offence by bodies corporate. Where any contravention of this Act has been committed by a corporate and it is proved that such offence has been committed with the consent or connivance or,, or is attributed to any negligence on the part of nay direction, partner, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate, such director, partner, manager, secretary or other of the body corporate shall be deemed guilty f such contravention along with the body corporate and shall be punished accordingly:

          Provided that in the case of a company as defined under the companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984, only the Chief Executive as defined in the ordinance shall be liable under this section.


Explanation. For the purposes of this section, “body corporate” includes a firm association of persons and a society registered under the Societies registration Act 1860 (XXI of 1860), or under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1952 (VII of 1952).

19.          Offence by Government Agencies, local authorities or local councils.

Where any contravention of this Act has been committed by and government Agency, local authority of local council, and it is proved that such contravention has bee committed with he consent or connivance of or is attributable to any negligence on the part of the head or any other officer of he Government Agency, local authority or local along with the Government Agency,  local authority or local council and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.  

20.          Environmental Tribunals. (1) the Federal Government may be notification in the official gazette, established as many Environmental Tribunals as it considers necessary and where it establishes more than one Environmental Tribunal it shall specify territorial limits within which or the class of cases in respect of which each one of them shall exercise jurisdiction under this Act.

2.       An Environmental Tribunal shall consists of a Chairperson who is or has been or is qualified for appointment as a Judge of the high court to be appointed after consolation with the Chief Justice of the High court and two members to be appointed by the Federal government of which at least one shall be a technical member with suitable professional qualification and experience in the environmental Field as may be prescribed.

3        for every sitting of the Environmental Tribunal, the presence of the Chairperson and not less than one Member shall be necessary.

4        A decision of an Environmental Tribunal shall be expressed in terms of the opinion of the majority of its members, including the Chairpersons, or if the case has been decided by the Chairperson and only one the member and there is a difference of opinion between them, the decision of the Environmental Tribunal shall be expressed in terms of the opinion of the Chairperson.

5        An Environmental Tribunal shall not, merely by reason of change in its composition, or the absence of any member from any sitting, be bound of recall and rehear any wittiness who has give evidence, and may act on the evidence already recorded by or produced, before it.

6        An environmental Tribunal may hold its sitting at such places within its territorial jurisdiction as the Chairperson may decide.

7        Not act or proceeding of an Environmental Tribunal shall be invalid by reason only of the existence of a vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of the Environmental Tribunal.   

8        the terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and members of the Environmental tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed.

21          Jurisdiction and powers and Environmental Tribunal.  (1) an Environmental Tribunal shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as are may be conferred upon or assigned to it by or under this Act, or the rules and regulations made there under.

2        All contravention punishable under sub-section (1) of section 17 shall exclusively be triable by an Environmental Tribunal.

3        An Environmental Tribunal shall not take cognizance of any offence triable under sub-section (2) except on a complaint in writing by

a        the Federal Agency or any government agency or local council; and

b        any aggrieved person, whole has give notice of not less than thirty days of the Federal Agency or the provincial Agency concerned of the Alleged contravention and of his intention to make a complaint to the Environmental Tribunal. 

4.       in exercise of its criminal jurisdiction the Environmental Tribunal shall have the same power as are vested in the court of Session under the code of Criminal procedure, 1989 (Act v of 1898).

5        in exercise of the appellate jurisdiction under section 22 the Environmental Tribunal shall have same powers and shall follow the same procedure as an appellate court in the code of civil procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908).

6        in all matters with respect to which no procedure has been provided for in this Ordinance, the Environmental Tribunal shall follow the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil procedure, 1908 (Act v of 1908).

7        An environmental Tribunal may, on application field by any officer duly authorized I this behalf by the Federal Agency or Provincial Agency, issue bailable warrant for the arrest of any person against whom reasonable suspicion exist of his having been involved in contravention punishable under sub-section (1) of section 17;


Provided that such warrant shall be applied issued and executed in accordance with the provisions of the code of Criminal procedure 1998 (Act V of 1898).


Provide further that if the person arrested executes a bond with sufficient sureties in accordance with the endorsement on he warrant, he shell be released form custody, failing which he shall be taken or sent without deal to the officer-in-charge of the nearest police station.  

8          All proceedings before the Environmental Tribunal shall be demand to be judicial proceedings within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Pakistan penal code (Act XLV of 1860) and the environmental Tribunal shall be deemed to be a court for the purposes of section 480 and 482 of the code of Criminal procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1998).    

9          No court other than an Environmental Tribunal shall have or exercise any jurisdiction with respect to any matter to which respect t any matte to which the jurisdiction of an Environmental Tribunal extends under this Act or the rules and regulations made there under. 

10          Where the Environmental Tribunal is satisfied that a complaint made to it under sub-section (30 is false and vexatious to the knowledge of the complainant it may by an order, direct the complainant to pay to the persona complained to pay to he person complained against such compensatory costs which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees.

22          Appeals to the environmental Tribunal. (1) any person aggrieved by any order or direction of the Federal Agency or any provincial under any provision of this Act and rules or regulations made there under may prefer an appeal with the Environmental Tribunal within thirty days of the date of communication of the impugned order or direction to such person.

2          An appeal to the Environmental Tribunal shall be in such form, contain such particulars and be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.

23          Appeals form orders of the Environmental Tribunal. (1) any person aggrieved by any final order or by any sentence of the Environmental tribunal passed under this Act may, within thirty days of communications of such order or sentence, prefer an appeal to the High Court.

2          An appeal under sub-section (1) shall be heard be heard by a bench of not less than two judges. 

24          Jurisdiction of Environmental magistrates. (1) Notwithstanding contained in the Code of Criminal procedure, 1998 (Act V of 1898), or any other law for the time being the force, but subject to the provisions of this Act, all contravention punishable under sub-section (2) of section 17 shall exclusively be friable by a judicial Magistrate or the first class as Environmental Magistrate especially empowered in this behalf by the High court.  

2          An  Environmental Magistrate shall be competent to impose any punishment specified in sub-section (2) and (4) of section 17.

3          An Environmental Magistrate shall not take cognizance of an offence tribal under sub-section (10 except on a complaint in writing by.

a          the Federal Agency, provincial Agency, or government Agency or local crucial; and

b          any aggrieved person.

25          Appeals form orders of environmental Magistrate. Any person convicted of any contravention of this act of the rules or regulations by an environment Magistrate may, within thirty days form the date of his conviction appeal to the court of Session, whose decision thereon shall be final.

26          Power to delegate. (1) the federal government may, be notification in the official Gazette, delegate any of its Federal powers and functions under this act and the rules and regulations made there under to any provincial Government, any government Agency, local council or local authority.

2          The provincial government may, by notifications in the official Gazette, delegate any of his or of the provincial Agency’s powers or functions under this Act and the rules and regulations made there under to any Government Agency of such provincial government or any local council or local authority in the province.

27          Power to give directions. In the performance of their functions under this Act.

a          the federal Agency and Provincial agencies shall be bound by the directors given to hem in writing by the Federal Government; and 

b          a provincial Agency shall be bound by the directions given not it in writing by the provincial Government.

28          Indemnity. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Federal or provincial Government, the council, the Federal Agency or provincial Agencies, he Director-general of the Federal agency and the provincial Agency, members, officers, employees, experts, advisors, committees or consultants of the Federal or provincial Agencies or the Environmental Tribunal or Environmental magistrates or any other person of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this act of the rules or regulations made there under.

29          Dues recoverable as areas of land revenue. Any dues recoverable by he Federal Agency or Provincial Agency under this Act or the rules or regulations made there under shall be coverable as areas of land revenue.

30          Act to override other laws. The provisions of this Act this shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force.

31             Power to make the Schedule. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of his Act including rules for implementing the provisions of the international environments specified in he schedule of this Act.

32          Power to amend the schedule.  The Federal Government may by notification in the official Gazette, amend the  schedule so as to add any entry thereto or modify or omit any entry therein.

33          power to make regulations. (1) for carrying out the purpose of this Act, the Federal Agency may, by notifications in the official Gazette and with the approval of the Federal Government, make regulations not inconsistent with he provisions of this Act or the rulers made there under.

2          in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for.

a        submission of periodical reports, data or information by any Government agency, local authority or local council in respect or environmental matters;

b        preparation of emergency  contingency plans for coping with environmental hazards and pollutions caused by accidents, natural disaster and calamities;

c        appointment of officers, advisors, experts, consultants and employees;

d        levy of fees, rates and charges in respect of services rendered, actions taken and scheme implemented.

e          monitoring and measurement of discharges and emission.

f         categorization of projects of which, and the manner in which, section 12 applies;

g laying down of guidelines for preparation of initial environmental examination and environmental impact assessment and Development of procedures for their filing, review and approval;

          h.         Providing procedures for handling hazardous substances; and

         i. Installation of devices in use, of fuels by, and maintenance and testing of motor vehicles for control of air and noise pollution.

3.4         REPLEAL, SAVINGS AND SUCCESSION._ (1)The Pakistan Environmental protection Ordinance, 1983 (XXVII of 1983) is hereby repealed.

          2. Notwithstanding the repeal of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 (XXVII of 1983), any rules or regulations or appointments made, orders passed, notifications issued, powers delegated, contracts entered into, proceedings commenced, rights acquired liabilities incurred, penalties, rates, fees or charges levied, things done or action taken under any provisions of that Ordinance shall, so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been made, passed, issued delegated, entered into, commenced, acquired, incurred, levied,  done or taken under this Act.

          3. on the establishment of the Federal Agency and provincial Agencies under this Act, all properties, assets and liabilities pertaining to the Federal Agency and provincial Agencies established under that Ordinance shall vest in and be the properties, assets and liabilities, as the case may be, of the Federal Agency and Provincial Agency established under this Act.


1.                International plant protection Convention, Rome, 1951.

2.                Plant Protection Agreement for the South-East Asia and Pacific Region (as amended), Rome, 1956.

3.                Agreement for the Establishment of a commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia (as amended), Rome 1963.

4.                Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar, 1971 and its amending Protocol, Paris, 1982.

5.                Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (world Heritage Convention), Paris, 1972.

6.                Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Washington, 1973.

7.                Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, Bonn, 1979.

8.                Convention on the Law of the Sea, Montego Bay, 1982.

9.                Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Vienna, 1985.

10.           Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Montreal, 1987 and amendments thereto.

11.           Agreement on the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, 1988.

12.           Convention on the Control of Tranboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal, Basel, 1989.

13.           Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio De Janiero, 1992.

14.           United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Rio De Janiero, 1992..






Statutory Notifications (S.R.O)



(Pakistan Environmental Protecting Agency)


Islamabad, the 24th August 1993

S.R.O.742(I)/93- In pursuance of the power conferred by clause (d) of section of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 (XXXVII) of 1983), the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, with the prior approval of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council, hereby established the National Environmental quality standards as contained in the Annexes to this notification.

2.          These National Environmental quality standards relating to municipal and liquid industrial effluents (Annex I) industrial gaseous emissions (Annex II) and motor vehicle exhaust and noise  (Annex III), shall come into force with immediate effect except in the case of industrial units to which the following schedule shall apply;

excising industrial units i.e. those units already in production – 01 July, 1996.

New Industrial units i.e. those units that will come into production on or after 30th June, 1994- o1 July, 1994.













ph Value (Acidity/basicity



5-days Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)at 20°

80 mg/L


Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

150 mg/L


Total suspended solids



Total dissolved solids



Grease and oil

10 mg/L


Phenolic compounds (as phenol)

0.1 mg/L


Chloride (as CI)

1000 mg/L


Flouride (as F)

20 mg/L


Cynaide (as CN)

2 mg/L


An-ionic detergents2(as MBAS)3

20 mg/L


Sulphate (SO)4

600 mg/L


Sulphide (S)

1.0 mg/L


Ammonia (NH3)

40 mg/L


Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides

0.15 mg/L



0.1 mg/L


Chromium4 (trivalent and hoxvalent)

1.0 mg/L



1.0 mg/L



0.5 mg/L



0.01 mg/L



0.5 mg/L



1.0 mg/L



1.0 mg/L


Total Toxic metals

2.0 mg/L



5.0 mg/L



1.0 mg/L



1.5 mg/L



2.0 mg/L



1.5 mg/L



6.0 mg/L



1.0 mg/L



1.                Assuming minimum dilution 1:10 on discharge. Lower rations would attract progressively stringent standards to be determined by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.

2.                Assuming surfactant as bio-degradable   

3.                MBAS means Modified Benzene Alkyl Sulphates.

4.                Subject to total toxic metals discharges as S. No. 25.




Source of emission








Smoke opacity  to exceed:

(Ringlemann Scale)




Boilers and furnaces:


1. Using Coal

2. Using Coal

3.Cement Kilns

Grinding, crushing, clinker coolers and Related Processes, metallurgical process, Convertors, blaxst furnances and cupolas. 500






Hydrogen Cloride








Hydrogen fluoride




Hydrogen Sulphide




Sulphur Oxides

Sulfuric-Acid Plants others



Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide































Oxides of Nitrogen (NO2)





i. Any Nitric Acid Manufacturing Unit

ii. Others Sources





          Based on the assumption that the size of the particles is 10 microns or more.





Standards (maximum permissible limit

Measuring Method







40% or 2 on the Ringleman Scale during engine acceleration mode

To be compared with Ringleman  Chart at a distance of 6 meters or more.


Carbon Monoxide

Emission Standards:

New Vehicle    Used Vehicles

4.5%                     6%

Under idling conditions non depressive infrared detection through gas analyzer.



85db (A)

Sound-meter at 7.5 meters from the source.